Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Verses for my very dear Dipu

Should I wait?
Will my words cause pain?
No this is not the aim.
In its place
I pray for grace,
to touch your life
in every way.
Nay ! just take -
Its every where.
Have faith!
for truth is there
for all to see.
Be Aware.
I await to see
the cheer on your face.

Rest my friend
Sleep deep!
so deep , you reach
your first year
on earth.
When all rejoiced ,
for you shone so bright
and all knew
its Gods light.
Then wake up

And the river flows
There is no last
no middle , no first.
just this .
A point where old and new join.
Same love,
in new places
new faces and spaces.
There is no pain,
but incessant rain of change.
Be strong with us .
O friend
Welcome home.

(And Dipu I wrote this haiku for you a long time ago when I was going through a bad patch)

Your words combed
my tangled thoughts
then poured
down the slopes
and I rested
as if after
a warm
oil bath.



संदीप said...


Why don't u put ur painting also on ur blog.

Anonymous said...

There is such pain in those words…a touch of melancholy in all the poems/verses. I hope that time has healed the wounds…as the say, all things pass…and time is a great healer. It is wonderful to read poetry that comes straight from the heart, and I must say that your poetry conveys such presence and stirs the emotions. Please do write more of your wonderful bards…